Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week of 12/14/09 - 12/18/09


This week in Preschool we will "deck the halls" in Dramatic Play, pretend to build toys in Santa's Workshop (Block Center), search for red and green items hidden in green sand in the Sensory Table, make a special gift and card for our parents in Art, make reindeer food to put out on Christmas Eve, learn about the letter Q, light the pink candle on our Advent wreath, and continue learning all about the first Christmas and how the Magi honored Jesus.

Monday, Dec. 14 - Spirit Dress/Spirit Night at Rhema

Thursday, Dec. 17 - Bring a canned food item for Catholic Charities and wear free dress/Christmas program is at 6:30 pm in the church

Friday, Dec. 18 - Red and Green Free Dress/ Christmas party 1:00 - 2:00 in the Parish Hall

Thank you to the Ripp family for loaning us your tree!

Thank you to the Homeroom Moms and all who are helping with the party! (Please send your $2.00 if you have not already done so.)

Christmas Break is Dec. 19 - Jan. 3 - School resumes Jan. 4


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week of 12/7/09 - 12/11/09


This week we will play in a castle in Dramatic Play, using crowns, scarves, a tea set, and a dragon as props. In the Sensory Table we will search for jewels buried in sand. In Blocks we will build castles with the waffle blocks. We will listen to a variety of classic fairy tales. We will learn all about the Letter O. And in Religion, we will hear the story of Mary's good news and talk about the second week of Advent. On Tuesday, we will go to the computer lab with our 6th grade buddies.

Thanks so much for the great response to my request for a x-mas tree! Mrs. Ripp will be sending one for our class to use next week, and now I know lots of people to call in case we need a back up.

Don't forget next week is the Christmas program (Thurs 12/17 at 6:30 in the church) and our class Christmas party (Fri 12/18 at 1:00 in the Parish Hall.)