Sunday, December 7, 2014

Frozen Fun

We were supposed to do an experiment last week to help us learn that the extra fat layer that polar bears have helps them to stay warm (along with thick fur that also absorbs sunlight.)  The plan was to put a hand in ice water to feel the cold.  Then we would put crisco on our hand, wrap in cling wrap, and put it in the water again.  Well, when I tried it, it was still very cold.  I don't know.  Maybe you would have to use a whole can of crisco to get the desired effect?!  So we decided to scrap the experiment but still wanted to do something fun.  Luckily, we have shaving cream on hand.  We decided to stick with the cold theme and called it pretend snow.  The kids had a blast with this, playing, writing letters, and drawing pictures in the shaving cream.  I think you can tell by their expressions that this was a hit!  Then to add to the frozen fun, Chloe had brought ice cream for snack (thank you Septiano family!!) and we listened to "Let It Go."  All in all, it was a very delightful morning.