Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Hello, Parents!  Happy Halloween Week!  I thought you might enjoy seeing how great our door decoration came out (thank you to Kyia's mom and Andrew's mom for your help.)  Also, we got a great group picture after carving our class pumpkin.

This week we have our Speech and Hearing screening coming up on Friday, Nov.2.  Please fill out the consent form that was sent home in folders Friday.  If your child comes on T-Th and you are interested in the screening, let me know and we can make arrangements.  Also, picture retakes are this Wednesday, Oct. 31.  This is a regular uniform dress day.  Please send back your picture packet if you want your child to have retakes.

I got some GREAT pictures of the kids exploring the inside of the pumpkin.  I will include them in a separate post.

It was wonderful to see many of you at Fun Day!  Thanks for all your support of this community activity.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hello, parents!  I am posting a few pics from our Fire Fighter visit.  Thank you, Mr. Kannemen, for sharing your time and talents with us.  He spoke with both Preschool classes and it was very exciting for all.
The other pictures show us enjoying some delicious and fun donuts as a belated celebration of Mrs. Bierig's birthday - thank you, Homeroom Moms!

Thank you also to all of the parents who attended the Endowment Dinner/Event.  We truly appreciate you!

Our theme for this short week is Autumn Leaves.  Don't forget that Pizza Day is Wednesday and the cafeteria will be closed.  Also, we do not have school Thursday and Friday due to Teacher Inservice and Fall Break.