Sunday, September 28, 2014

Our Many Colored Days, Etc.

Sorting Fruit Loops

Look at the concentration!

Just another day at the Preschool Beauty Shop!

Walking over the Rainbow Bridge

We love having snack time outside!

It takes three friends to make a triangle,

Four friends to make a square,

And three friends to make a circle.  Or should we call it an oval?

Fire Fighter Visit

Hello, All - Here are a few pictures from recent weeks.  As you can see we had fun learning about colors and shapes.  And thanks so much to Kindergarten who invited us to participate in the visit from the fire fighters!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Grandparents Day

Wow, did we have a great time at Grandparents Day this year!  We started the day by showing our visitors how we start each day at SPX, with prayer, pledge, and calendar time.  We went on a hunt for blue things around our classroom as our theme for two weeks is Colors.  We took some time to play in Centers then went to the gym for doughnuts!  After that it was out to the playground for some fun. Thanks so much for your support of this new tradition at SPX.